Hydraulic Rotary Distributor with a Reach of 52.5 feet (16 m) for Precast Formworks
The rotary distributor RV 16-2 is ideal for precast formworks. It can be mounted temporarily for a project or mounted for extensive use. With its hydraulic moveable arms and 52.5 feet (16 m) reach, it is perfect for big formworks. Since it is mounted on a column, it takes very little space to store in the factory building.
Concreting area of up to 957 yd³ (800 m²) from one fixed location
Mounted on Putzmeister column system RS 850, Needs a footprint of only 3' 3" square (1x1 m)
Can be slued hydraulically
Technical Details
General Information
Number of sections
Horizontal Reach
16 m
Placing area
800 m²
Delivery Line (DN + Pressure)
DN 125
5400 kg
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