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P 12 Sprayboy

Mixing, Pumping and Spraying

This small mortar pump is ideal for mixing, pumping and spraying cementitious adhesive, thin skim coat , fire-protection mortar, etc. from a hopper. Just the right plastering machine for those working with building protective agents or stucco, carrying out renovation and repair work.

Key Features

  • Worm parts quick to change according to each application
  • Easy to transport
  • Ideal for renovation and repair specialists with small work crews
  • Material hopper simple to clean

Technical Details

General Information

  • Mixing Vessel
    50 l
  • Output
    6-12 l³/min
  • Horizontal Reach
    30 m
  • Vertical Reach
    15 m
  • Delivery Pressure
    25 bar
  • Pump
    D 5 short
  • Engine
  • Engine Power
    1.4 / 1.8 kW
  • Engine Revolutions
    94 / 188
  • Operating Voltage - Frequency
    400 V / 50 Hz + 60 Hz, 16 A, 5p, 6h
  • Weight
    125 kg
  • Length x Width x Height
    714 x 696 x 1437 mm
  • Filling Height
    939 mm
  • Max. Aggregate Size
    4 mm
  • Outlet Diameter
    M 35 mm


Trankärrsgatan 20
425 37 Hisings Kärra
Tel: +46 (0)31 49 80 90
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07.00 - 16.00
(Lunchstängt 11.30-12.15)
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