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BSA 2110 HP D4

Modern Deutz diesel-powered stationary concrete pump with emission stage tier4 engine
In the development of the proven BSA 2110 HP D we had an ambitious goal: to bring the issue directives to the needs of our customers in accordance. With the result that you can even increase compliance with the emission limits with more power and reduced fuel consumption your competitiveness in the future.

The BSA 2110 HP D4 is Deutz diesel-powered with an exhaust-stage Tier4. The machine is equipped with two SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) to fulfill all legal requirements, a diesel particle filter is not necessary. This concrete pump is ideal for long distance pumping and highrise applications. Attention: Swiss law requires a diesel particle filter. In this case, please contact the technical department.

Key Features

  • Optimum air flow with pressure ventilation makes it suitable for all weather condition
  • According to the rule 97/68/EG, Stage IV or rather Tier 4 final
  • External gate valve connection is standard
  • Reduced noise development
  • CE mark
  • Less operating costs
  • Up to 15% more performance comparable with Stage III/ Tier 3 engines

Technical Details

General Information

  • Output (rod side)
    102 m³/hr
  • Output (piston side)
    70 m³/hr
  • Delivery Pressure (rod side)
    150 bar
  • Delivery Pressure (piston side)
    220 bar
  • Strokes (rod side) 
  • Strokes (piston side) 
  • Engine Power
    330 kW
  • Material Cylinder Diameter-Stroke Length
    200/2100 mm
  • Outlet Diameter
    200 mm
  • Length x Width x Height
    7244 x 2245 x 2806 mm
  • Weight
    9300 kg
  • Trailer Type


Trankärrsgatan 20
425 37 Hisings Kärra
Tel: +46 (0)31 49 80 90
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