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RV 12

Beneficial for Projects that Include Column Work

Designed for larger construction sites, the RV 12 Lift offers vertical movement of the last boom section, which is most beneficial for projects that include column work. The last section is lifted via hydraulic pump and provides vertical reach of 13’ 1” (4 m). It can be used in concreting slabs, walls and columns of up to a height of 13’ 1” (4 m). It is also used in pre-cast factories to fill smaller moulds.

Key Features

  • Adjustable height using hydraulic hand pump
  • Can reach up to 13’ 1” (4 m)
  • Height can be increased by 1’ 8” (0.5 m) using bolt-on feet (optional)

Technical Details

General Information

  • Number of sections
  • Horizontal Reach
    12 m
  • Placing area
    450 m²
  • Delivery Line (DN + Pressure) 
    DN 125
  • Weight 
    2600 kg
  • Length x Width x Height
    9100x1300x1800 mm


Trankärrsgatan 20
425 37 Hisings Kärra
Tel: +46 (0)31 49 80 90
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